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Perfil de la empresa

Tinkin Tech Partner

Tinkin Tech Partner
Quito, Ecuador
Remoto, Remoto, Remoto


Descripción de la Empresa:

We are Tinkin, a startup that supports other startups, advising them from the definition of their MVP to the moon. We can help you in every step of your startup:
  1. Ideation In this early phase, we can help you to refine the idea and define the MVP, a low-cost product to quickly validate your business idea.
  2. MVP implementation With a clear idea of what to build and how to do it, we help you create your product and interpret the feedback from your first users.
  3. Product market fit The product is launched, it's time to iterate. In this phase we help you to make the right decisions, along with a dedicated dev team to execute them.
  4. Expansion In this last phase as a startup, we go along with you to reinforce your internal development capacity and thus consolidate yourself as a company.

Empresa Tinkin Tech Partner

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